
A Trefoil Guild is an adult-only group within Girl Guides of Canada–Guides du Canada for members over the age of 30 that keeps the spirit of Guiding alive!

Nova Scotia is very fortunate to have many Trefoil Guilds across the province and probably one close to you.

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Please see the National TG News.

Most Trefoil Guild members have been members of Guiding in a variety of roles for many years and join the Trefoil Guild to keep in touch with the organization and each other. There is no specific Trefoil Guild program.

Each Guild may decide how formally or casually it will operate and you do not need to have previous Guiding experience to belong to a Guild – it is open to any adult member who is willing to be enrolled in Girl Guides of Canada and comply with the current policies and practices of Girl Guides of Canada– Guides du Canada.

If you are interested in joining or even starting a Guild in your local area, please contact us at or call the provincial office.

Have fun while keeping the Guiding spirit alive!

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