Harvest Trail

Harvest Trail Area is the southern part of our province encompassing the Annapolis Valley, Western and South Shore.

The Area is divided into nine provincial counties: Hants, Kings, Annapolis, Digby, Yarmouth, Shelburne, Queens, Lunenburg and part of the HRM.

Harvest Trail Area has six Guiding Districts covering the general locations of:
-   Chase DS: Canning, Gaspereau, New Minas and Wolfville
-   Fundy View DS: Aylesford, Kingston / Greenwood, Wilmot, Middleton and Digby
-   Hants DS: Windsor and surrounding communities: Falmouth, Hantsport, Windsor Forks, Brooklyn and St. Croix
-   Parker DS: Kentville, Coldbrook, Cambridge and Berwick
-   South Shore DS: Spanning Hubbard's to Liverpool: Fox Point, Lunenburg, Bridewater and Liverpool
-   Western DS: from Shelburne and looping around to Weymouth: Carlton, Pubnico, Salmon River, Wedgeport and Yarmouth

The Area is managed by a group of dedicated volunteers who provide programming for girls and adult leadership and training opportunities. The Advisory Team consists of Program, Camping, International, PR, Membership, Treasurer, and Training. If you are interested in learning about any of these please reach out to Julia. Additional information on these roles can be found at the bottom of Committee Responsibilities Page.


Area Commissioner: Julia P at ns-harvesttrailac@girlguides.ca.

Area Council Positions Needed: Please contact Julia, at above email, for current volunteer opportunities.

For more information on Guiding in Harvest Trail  Area, please feel free to contact:
Crystle George:  Area Commissioner at ns-harvest.trailac@girlguides.ca

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