
What is the Archives?
An archives is a place where items of historical interest are housed to be kept in good condition for ever.

The Girl Guide Archives houses:

    Many pieces of paper including Guider's and camp logs which have been created in
    Nova Scotia by girls and women in the movement over the past 100 plus years.
    Uniforms, Badges, Artifacts and publications related to Guiding, worn or used by
    former members of the Movement in the province.
    Photographs and newspaper clippings collected since Guiding began in NS.

Why do we have an archives?
In order to make sure that the Guiding story is part of the whole story of Nova Scotia.
It tells the story of what we did in earlier times.

Where is the Archives?

Girl Guide office at 32 Glendale Ave, Unit 1, Lower Sackville NS

When is the Archives open? How can we see what is there?

Please note – appointments to visit the Archives are required. These can be coordinated via ns-archives@girlguides.ca.
If a group wishes to visit the archives we can open after hours and on weekends
BUT we need lots of warning so that we can prepare ahead of time.

 Hello Everyone!

Guide House was all a buzz as the Archive Committee welcomed the1st Port Wallace Guide Unit
for an afternoon of fun and games. The girls were treated to an interactive display
where members, young and old, played and learned together.

The girls traveled through time and, under the guidance of Mary Sargeant,
saw such items as: scrapbooks and pictures, uniforms worn in the past, badges, pins, dolls,
collectable and newspaper articles all collected and preserved for today’s and tomorrow’s members to enjoy.

Joining Mary were other members of the Archive Committee: Nicki Eisenhauer, Marion Faulkner,
Madge Masson, Vera Stone and Edith James who joined in the fun and worked side by side to share their memories and experiences. One leader said “The girls said they liked seeing the pictures
and having the person there to tell the history behind the pictures. They also liked hearing
about all the things the embers had to learn to get their badges (golden hand etc).
”The afternoon was topped off with a visit from the the Chief Commissioner, Myrtle Corkum.
Myrtle enjoyed speaking with each of the girls who were very pleased to receive one of her patches.
After a light snack the girls participated in a very lively game of semaphore, lead by Mary.
As the girls were leaving a couple were heard telling their caregivers that they had an “awesome” time.

It was a good day!



Highlights in NS Guiding History

The Company struggled for a year or two, the young lieutenant got married,
no replacement was found and the company disbanded.

A number of Companies were formed but most disbanded
and rose again when interest returned.

1913 Canso has a Guide Company.

1915 Yarmouth has both a Guide Company and a Ember Pack.

1917 Sydney has the first Camp under canvas.

1920   1st Halifax Co. Trinity Church registered under leadership of Melda Walters.
Miss Mary Ritchie opens Company in Bedford.

1921 Company opened in Bridgewater and Edgehill School for Girls forms 2nd Windsor Company.

1922 Nova Scotia Council is in-corporated.

1923 1st Halifax Ranger Company formed 1st Sea Guides Company formed in Halifax.

Viscount and Lady Allenby visit Halifax and Guides and Scouts form Guard of Honour.

1927  Halifax District holds its first camp for Guides from Halifax, Bedford, Dartmouth,Woodside
and Imperoyal at Burnside, Bedford Basin, August 5-12th.
--Truro has first Company of Ranger Guides.
--Miss Marjorie Haley, Mrs. Mary Harry, Laura Marshall and a Guide from Wolfville
   attend Dominion Jubilee Camp in Victoria, BC.

1928 First large congregation of Guides and Embers held
         with a Tea and Entertainment at Masonic Hall. 150 girls took part.

1929  First Provincial Camp held at the YMCA site in Hubbards Mrs. Schenk camp commandant,
the girls each paid $3.00 Guiders paid $4.00, nearly 100 camped under canvas.
Provincial Normal School in Truro became the training center for leadership in Girl Guides.

A $200.00 Grant was received from the Province of Nova Scotia.
--Dartmouth has enough girls to form a district, with Vivian Dorey as District Commissioner.
-- Provincial Lone Guide Company formed.
-- Provincial office opened at 37 Sackville Street with Miss Owen Williams as paid secretary.

1932  First provincial Patrol Leaders Camp held at French Village on the property of Miss Marjorie Gates
49 Guides and 13 Guiders attended. "Four heavy rain storms and a succession of gray days
were unable to dampen the spirits of the jolly company".  
--First company of Canadian Girl Guides to be organized in a convent was 15th Halifax.

1933  IODE began to sponsor Packs and Companies.
--Roberta, Countess of Bessborough presented to each Province a challenge shield
   "to be used an incentive to the development of what ever phase of Guiding the provincial council
    may decide would be most helpful to the movement".
--First pack of Black Embers registered as 2nd New Glasgow.

1935  At this time there are 1520 girls in 74 companies, 11 commissioners and 17 local associations.
The Guide Cabin in Bridgewater becomes a reality.

1936 First year that the rule to have a licensed camper on site is enforced.

1937 Provincial office moves to 215 Hollis Street.
--An Oak sapling is received from Windsor great Park and planted in the Halifax Public Gardens.

1938  Provincial Minutes record that 1st Halifax Ranger Co. cleaned and painted the provincial office.

1939 Cumberland Division takes part in Honour Guard for Royal Visit.

1940 Bessborough Shield becomes known as Bessborough Shield and War Effort Project.
-- Guides involved in War effort.

1944 Mrs. Schenk becomes Provincial Commissioner.

1946  Marjorie Gates becomes Provincial Commissioner of Training.
-- Rose Goodman Camp presented to Pictou Guides in her memory.
-- Lady BP visits Nova Scotia.

1947 First camp training for Guiders held at Rose Goodman Camp.

1948   Ann Lowe attended Edith Macy Camp on Juliette Low Scholarship.
-- Mrs. L.E. Eaton attended International Camp at Cooperstown, NY.
-- Registration fee was raised to .25 for each girl, up from the previous fee
    of .05 for Embers and .10 and .15 for Guides and Rangers respectively.

Provincial Paper started called first "The Question Mark", eventually became "The Seagull".

1951 Princess Elizabeth and Prince Phillip visit Nova Scotia and 50 Guides form Honour Guard.

1952   41 Guides and 7 Rangers, 12 Leaders attend National Camp on Connaught Ranges, Ottawa.

1953  Throughout Colchester Camping and Marie Eaton were inseparable.
-- A Brown Owl in the Amherst Pack suggests to National Office
    that a calendar similar to those sold by Boy Scouts of America be sold as a fund raiser.

1954 Heather MacLean and Joy Calkin attend International Tent Camp in Toronto.

  Work begins on the Hardwood Lake Campsite.
-- Lone Guide Helen Kidd receives Commonwealth Prize.

1956 First camp at Hardwood Lake, Mrs.Chase as Camp Commandant.

1957   28 Girls represent Nova Scotia at World Camp, Doe Lake, and Ontario.
-- Province donates $2250.00 to World Camp Fund in memory of BP.
-- 4 girls attend World Camp at Windsor Great Park.
-- Lewis Lake Campsite is developed.

1958   4 girls represent Nova Scotia art Atlantic Adventure Camp.
-- 4 girls attend Senior Girl Scout Roundup in Colorado Springs.

National Jubilee Camp held at Hardwood Lake with representatives from every province.
-- Lady BP visits province.
-- Queen and Prince Phillip visit province.

1961  Lady BP again visits province and rallies are held in Lunenburg and Stadacona.
-- Mrs. K Frittenburg becomes first N.S. Guider to earn Maple Leaf pin.

Boathouse given to Hardwood Lake Camp by Mr. Don Chase.

1963  Mrs. Robert L. Stanfield opens the new Provincial office at 139 Granville Street (later 1871 Granville).


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