2025 Scholarship banner

The Girl Guides of Canada National Scholarship Program recognizes the extraordinary accomplishments of Girl Guide members and supports them as they work toward the future they’ve been dreaming of. Applications for the 2025 GGC National Scholarship Program will be open in February 2025.

Meet the 2024 National Scholarship Recipients

Actuarial Foundation of Canada National Scholarship

Brianna N.
Fenwick, NS
Bachelor of Science, Mathematics
Mount Allison University

“GGC has helped shape me into the person I am today. I have been involved with Girl Guides for more than 13 years, and it is where I found my love for volunteer and humanitarian work. I enjoy getting out and helping my community surrounded by my fellow Girl Guides. Thank you!”

Keira S.
Ottawa, ON
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science
Carleton University

“I am thankful for all the opportunities Girl Guides has provided me with, and I look forward to continuing to be involved in this amazing organization throughout university and beyond.”

Pearl S.
Toronto, ON
Bachelor of Science, Mathematics and Concurrent Education
York University

“Guiding has always been a huge part of my life. I have been an active member of Girl Guides of Canada since I joined as a first-year Spark in 2010. Recently, I had the opportunity to volunteer for three months each at two WAGGGS World Centres. As a WAGGGS volunteer, I worked with Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from all around the world. My experience of GGC’s commitment to inclusivity has had a profound impact on my life. In addition, the skills and values I learned as a Girl Guide have inspired my interest in science and math.”

Regan D.
Conception Bay South, NL
Bachelor of Science, Astrophysics
Saint Mary’s University

“Part of the reason I love the sciences so much is because of my involvement with Girl Guides. It gave me hands-on learning experiences in different areas of science, arts, and trades, and surrounded me with people who constantly encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone.”

Barrett McKenna Environmental Education National Scholarship

Heather M.
Crowsnest Pass, AB
Master of Environmental Education and Communication
Royal Roads University

“I am proud of being a Girl Guides of Canada member for almost 30 years. The skills, networking opportunities, and experiences I have had at GGC have helped to shape my career goals. I want to share the Guiding messages of ‘use our resource wisely’ and ‘protect the common environment’ with those inside and outside of Guiding. The time I have spent in the last year pursuing my Master of Environmental Education degree has opened my eyes to the possibilities that are out there to educate others and spread environmental messages to inspire people to protect our common environment.”

Mackenzie M
Toronto, ON
Bachelor of Science, Biology
Dalhousie University

“As a member of Girl Guides of Canada, I have kayaked in the Atlantic Ocean, sipped water from an iceberg in Newfoundland, surfed off the coast of Ucluelet, BC, scouted the Pacific Ocean for orcas, and walked across a frozen Lake Louise. I have hiked, swum, ziplined, canoed, run obstacle courses, and sat under many starry skies singing and laughing with friends. I cannot thank Girl Guides enough for all the wonderful opportunities it has provided me with so far and all the amazing opportunities that I know still lie ahead.”

Barrett McKenna National Scholarship

Cassandra G.
Ottawa, ON
Bachelor of Social Sciences, International Development and Globalization
University of Ottawa

“I started as a Guide several years ago. Initially, I was a little nervous to join GGC. Everyone seemed to already have friends and know the campfire songs, and I was totally lost when it came to badges. However, I quickly found my home in Guiding and never looked back.”

Lauren H.
St. George, ON
Bachelor of Arts and Sciences, Neuroscience and Fine Arts
University of Guelph

“My journey with Girl Guides has allowed me to become a more confident leader and communicator. I hope to inspire youth and teach them that they can pursue any of their interests, no matter the field!”

Maggie M.
Merritt, BC
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology
University of British Columbia

“My 12 years in Girl Guides have given me countless opportunities, including this scholarship, which I am so grateful for. I have learned to embrace every experience I can and have made beautiful memories, such as seeing waterfalls in Costa Rica, going through period PowerPoints over snacks, and laughing in campfire light. I love Girl Guides and the friends I have made and lessons I have learned here.”

Doris Ingram National Scholarship

Cassidy H.
Nepean, ON
Bachelor of Science, Animal Biology
University of Guelph

“I joined Girl Guides of Canada when I was in Grade 1, and it has given me an outlet to pursue many of my passions as well as a strong sense of community. This fall, I will be studying animal biology at the University of Guelph, and I have Girl Guides of Canada to thank for helping me follow this dream. I hope to continue Guiding throughout my adult life so that I can pass on the joy and knowledge I acquired during my time in Guiding.”

Dr. Roberta Bondar National Scholarship

Stéfanie N.
New Liskeard, ON
Medical Doctor (MD)
Northern Ontario School of Medicine

“Being a medical student is more challenging than I ever imagined, but each day I am reminded of the privilege of being here and the responsibility of caring for others. The lessons of compassion, resilience, and openness that I learned through Guiding will continue to guide me throughout my medical career and beyond. My experiences in Guiding have deepened my commitment to providing thoughtful and empathetic care, and I aim to carry forward the same spirit of support and community into my future work as a physician.”

GGC First Year National Scholarship

Haley M.
Red Deer County, AB
Pharmacy Technician Diploma
Red Deer Polytechnic

“The skills I have learned and the opportunities and experiences I have had through Girl Guides of Canada have been immeasurable and have helped shape the person I have become. I intend to continue to volunteer and give back to the Girl Guide program because I have seen first-hand how beneficial it is to girls and young women today. Thank you for your support.”

Jenna R.
Calgary, AB
Bachelor of Science, Engineering
University of Calgary

“Since Girl Guides has been such a significant part of my life for as long as I can remember, I feel especially honoured to be a recipient of this scholarship. I started my Guiding journey as a second-year Spark, learning how to share and be a friend. As I grew and continued to be actively involved in the Guiding community, I learned countless lessons and skills in addition to gaining many friends and valuable experiences. I am incredibly grateful for the support from Girl Guides of Canada as I begin to pursue an education in engineering.”

Karley P.
Airdrie, AB
Bachelor of Arts and Science, Political Science
University of Saskatchewan

“I am so thankful to have been chosen to receive this scholarship. Girl Guides has given me so many opportunities in my life and even supported my application to become my high school’s valedictorian. I would like to thank all the donors, my mother, and every Guider I have had over the years.”

Kate L.
Surrey, BC
Bachelor of Arts, Sociology
Saint Francis Xavier University

“My journey with Girl Guides of Canada has made me who I am today and serves as a compass for who I wish to become. It continues to shape my aspirations, my values, and my approach to life, reminding me that true leadership is about fostering growth, advocating for change, and empowering others. Thank you, Girl Guides – you taught me what I was capable of and gave me the tools to succeed.”

Sienna G.
Edmonton, AB
Bachelor of Science, Psychology
University of Alberta

“Guiding has given me the means to realize my potential, whether by creating service projects, seeing my ideas turn into tangible change, or getting involved in provincial leadership positions. It has given me a place to try new things and broaden my horizons, showing me not only what I am capable of but also the person I could be.”

GGC Part-Time National Scholarship

Mack C.
Edmonton, AB
Bachelor of Science, Psychology
University of Calgary

“I am a Bachelor of Science student studying psychology. I love reading and the outdoors. I started hiking and backpacking as a Trex member and today I am a Trex leader and an avid hiker.”

GGC Postgraduate National Scholarship

Stephanie R.
West Kelowna, BC
Master of Education, Special Education
University of Northern British Columbia

“Receiving a Girl Guide scholarship is an acknowledgment of my dedication to Girl Guides and of the importance of creating diverse and inclusive spaces. Thank you for believing in my passion for Girl Guides and my passion for enabling people to be their best. I am excited to continue my learning journey and to continue to support people through my work and my involvement in Girl Guides.”

GGC National Scholarship

Ella D.
Edmonton, AB
Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education, Social Studies
University of Alberta

“I have been involved with Girl Guides for 15 years and counting, and it has massively shaped my life. I have met my best friends through Guiding, travelled to places I never thought I would get to see, and discovered my passion for teaching thanks to Girl Guides. Girl Guides’ impact on me has been profound and has made me who I am today.”

Ellowyn O.
Windsor, ON
Bachelor of Science, Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences
University of Windsor

“As an Ember leader, ON Council member, Membership Screener, and Brand Ambassador, I am ecstatic and deeply appreciative of GGC’s unwavering commitment to supporting girls and young women. Giving back to the organization that shaped me into the woman I am today is an experience I would not give up for anything.”

Emily K.
London, ON
Bachelor of Science
University of Western Ontario

“When I started Girl Guides in Grade 5, I had no idea how much of an impact it would have on my life. The organization and the incredible people in the Guiding community have provided me with countless opportunities that have allowed me to develop the leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving skills that have set me up for a successful future. Throughout the adversity I have faced, Girl Guides has proven to be a strong community comprised of caring and passionate women. Guiding is a place where I always feel welcome, so I am excited to continue my involvement as a Guider this year.”

Rachel S.
Mississauga, ON
Bachelor of Science, Nursing
Queen’s University

“I joined Girl Guides because of a unique opportunity Guiding presented me with: I was born on February 22 – World Thinking Day – and my parents were gifted a complimentary membership for me when I came of age. When the time came, my parents registered me in Sparks, and I have been involved with Guiding ever since. I have been a youth member and a Junior Leader. Both were rewarding experiences that have provided me with valuable skills in working with children and adults alike. This September will mark the start of my 14th year in Guiding, and while I have encountered some challenges along the way, Guiding has fostered perseverance in me, and I am so glad I never stepped away from this incredible community.”

Shabad K.
Bedford, NS
Bachelor of Science, Neuroscience
Dalhousie University

“My time in Girl Guides has instilled in me the importance of initiative, collaboration, and community service. I am deeply grateful for the transformative journey I have experienced as a member, and I am committed to continuing it with the support of this scholarship and the empowerment I gained through Guiding. I am eager to pursue an honours degree and make a meaningful impact in neuroscience as I pursue my academic journey.”

Masonic Foundation of Ontario First Year National Scholarship

Aisha R.
Windsor, ON
Bachelor of Science, Biochemistry and Biomedical Science
University of Windsor

“Thank you for your generous support, which motivates me to strive for excellence in my education and pursue my goal of becoming a surgeon dedicated to improving patient care. In Guiding, I aspire to continue as a Guider, join the Ontario Council, and perhaps one day serve on the National Council or Board of Directors. Your support is instrumental in helping me make a positive impact both in my future medical career and in the Guiding community.”

Ava H.
Stittsville, ON
Bachelor of Computer Science, Computer Systems Engineering
Carleton University

“Having been a member of Girl Guides for 13 years, I am deeply grateful for the invaluable support and inspiration it has provided. This organization has nurtured my leadership skills, fostered my creativity, and instilled a strong sense of community involvement in me. As I continued my academic journey into engineering, I will carry with me the lessons, skills, and values Girl Guides has given me, which will help me to contribute meaningfully to my chosen field and make a positive impact on the world around me.”

Julia S.
Toronto, Ontario
Bachelor of Science, Biochemistry
University of Guelph

“I am honoured to be a recipient of this scholarship. I am committed to making the most of this opportunity and continuing my involvement in Guiding, with the hope of giving back to others in the future. This support is a powerful encouragement, and I am deeply grateful.”

Laurin W.
Holland Landing, ON
Bachelor of Engineering, Nuclear Engineering
University of Ontario Institute of Technology (Ontario Tech University)

“I have been a member of Girl Guides of Canada for eight years, and I am very grateful for all that Girl Guides has taught me. Thank you to Girl Guides of Canada and the Masonic Foundation of Ontario for this scholarship.”

Poojithya A.
Ottawa, ON
Bachelor of Arts, Economics and Business
University of Western Ontario

“I will always identify Girl Guides of Canada as the catalyst to my story of hopefully becoming a notable leader and change maker. My involvement in Guiding gave me the confidence and skill set to be a better friend and a responsible citizen. Most importantly, I am constantly inspired by my peers, Guiders, and mentors who have shown me that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.”

Samantha F.
Virgil, ON
Bachelor of Science, Forensic Science
Trent University

“I am so thankful for everything Girl Guides has given me, and I am honoured and grateful to be a recipient of the Masonic Foundation of Ontario First Year National Scholarship. It is a privilege to be a recipient of this scholarship.”

Zahra A.
Brampton, ON
Bachelor of Health Science
University of Ottawa

“As a recipient of the Masonic Foundation of Ontario First Year National Scholarship, I am deeply grateful for the support that allows me to focus on my studies and pursue my dreams. This generosity has made a significant impact on my academic journey as I prepare to attend the University of Ottawa in the Health Sciences program. I am committed to continuing my involvement in Guiding and making a positive difference in the future by contributing to community health and wellness initiatives.”

Masonic Foundation of Ontario Part-Time National Scholarship

Stephanie R.
Upper Sackville, NS
Master of Science, Healthcare Quality
Queen’s University

“I am deeply grateful for the scholarship from the Masonic Foundation of Ontario which allows me to pursue a Master of Science degree in the Healthcare Quality program at Queen’s University. This opportunity enables me to make a significant impact in the health-care sector while continuing to serve my community.”

Miranda Friz National Scholarship

Hartley G.
Mount Forest, ON.
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology
Wilfrid Laurier University

“Girl Guides has been a massive part of my life and has provided me with incredible opportunities to learn, meet amazing and diverse people, and become a better person. It feels amazing to receive this scholarship from an organization that I love so dearly!”

Norma Osler National Scholarship

Amanda L.
Winnipeg, MB
Master of Education, Critical Theories
University of New Brunswick

“I am just beginning my studies in critical theories, which focuses on marginalized groups and how they are impacted in education. Topics covered include, racism, disability, 2SLGBTQI+ rights, feminism, and more. I chose this program because I feel it is my duty to continue to learn about others who are different from me and work to ensure equity in my work as a teacher, my volunteer role with Girl Guides, and my everyday life. I am committed to doing my best throughout the program and beyond. Thank you again for your continued support of Girl Guides of Canada and its members!”

Élise D.
Ottawa, ON
Baccalauréat en éducation
Université de l’Ontario français

“As I continue my education and my involvement in Guiding, I hope to help kids foster positive and healthy relationships with school and academia, no matter their background, abilities, needs, or behaviours. I hope to help every child that passes through my classroom or unit become a better, more confident version of themselves and help them reach any goals they may have, big or small. I want to provide every child with the tools they need to succeed not only in their academic lives but also in their lives outside of school.”

Provincial council scholarship information:

Meet past recipients

2023 Recipients | 2022 Recipients | 2021 Recipients | 2020 Recipients | 2019 Recipients

A special thank you to the individuals, groups, foundations and corporations who help make the 2024 Scholarship Program possible:

  • roberta logo
  • Actuarial Foundation of Canada
  • The Masonic Foundation
  • The Barrett McKenna Family
  • The Kingston Trefoil Guild

Memorial scholarships:

  • The Doris Ingram Memorial Scholarship
  • Norma Osler Education National Scholarship
  • Miranda Friz Memorial National Scholarship 
    Miranda was an enthusiastic Girl Guide who was deeply committed to social justice. She tragically passed at age 15 from a genetic disorder and is dearly missed by her Guiding community.

For more information about applying to, or supporting, GGC's National Scholarship Program, please contact us at scholarship@girlguides.ca

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