What is a virtual unit?
Virtual units are a great option for girls who do not have in-person units nearby, by giving girls the opportunity to participate in Guiding, and not miss out on the fun with friends, all while attending virtually.
How does it work?
A virtual unit essentially operates in a similar way as an in-person unit: it meets at a regularly schedule time weekly or bi-weekly, and girls work on program to earn awards, badges, and crests, as a unit or individually.
As a member of a virtual unit, girls continue to access all their benefits of membership including fully screened volunteers who provide leadership and mentorship; programming that encourages girls to challenge themselves, find their voice, meet new friends, have fun, and make a different in the world; and access to the GGC program platform to track badge work and contribute ideas for unit activities. She’ll also be eligible for GGC scholarships, or other recognition, when applying for post-secondary studies. Learn more about what we offer.
How is a virtual unit different than a Lones unit?
A Lones unit offers a different kind of flexibility for girls to participate in Guiding if they cannot attend regular meetings (e.g. a busy schedule or distance to an in-person unit is too great on a regular basis).Typically a Guider and girl will arrange their own schedule to connect – whether by phone, online, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly – so that
How to register for a virtual unit?
Virtual units are found on the Unit Finder map by searching with a province specific postal code – use the corresponding postal codes below to find the virtual units offered in your province.
For families looking for virtual opportunities in Alberta, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, or Yukon Territory, you can contact info@girlguides.ca for assistance.
Note: not all provinces offer a virtual unit for each branch.
Virtual units by province
Manitoba: Search postal code R3H 0YA
1st Manitoba Virtual Spark/Brownie/Guide/Pathfinder/Ranger Guiding Unit (ages 5 to 17)
Ontario & Nunavut: Search postal code P0M 1K0
- Including Hull, QC; Aylmer, QC; Wakefield, QC; Chelsea, QC
1st Ontario Virtual Spark Unit (ages 5 to 6)
2nd Ontario Virtual Brownie Unit (ages 7 to 8)
1st Ontario Virtual Guide Unit (ages 9 to 11)
1st Ontario Virtual Pathfinder/Ranger Guiding Unit (ages 12 to 17)
Quebec: Search postal code H4M 2N7
1st Quebec Virtual Spark/Brownie Unit (ages 5 to 8)
1st Quebec Virtual Guide Unit (ages 9 to 11)
1st Quebec Virtual Pathfinder Unit (ages 12 to 14)
1st Quebec Virtual Ranger Unit (ages 15 to 17)
New Brunswick & Prince Edward Island: Search postal code E2J 2B2
1st New Brunswick/PEI Virtual Pathfinder Unit (ages 12 to 14)
1st New Brunswick/PEI Virtual Ranger Unit (ages 15 to 17)
Nova Scotia: Search postal code B3N 2S9
1st Nova Scotia Virtual Pathfinder Unit (ages 12 to 14)
1st Nova Scotia Virtual Ranger Unit (ages 15 to 17)
Newfoundland: Search postal code A1A 0E8
1st Newfoundland Virtual Ranger Unit (ages 15 to 17)